2023 Topps Baseball Series One Jumbo Pack

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Loyauté : 89 Points

C$ 29.99
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Each pack contains forty-six (46) 2023 Topps Baseball

Series 1 cards including one (1) insert. Each box

contains one (1) Autograph card + one (1) Relic card +

one (1) Manufactured Relic Card.


Ten (10) packs per box + two (2) silver packs

Celebrate the unofficial beginning of the 2023 Baseball season when Topps Baseball Series 1 hits shelves in February 2023.


Collectors will find the League’s current stars, greats from the past, and rising rookies featured on base cards, inserts, and autograph and relic cards.


Hobby Boxes contain 24 packs and deliver 1 autograph or relic card per box.

HTA Jumbo Boxes contain 10 packs and deliver 3 hits, including at least 1 autograph card.

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