
One Piece Wings of the Captain - Booster Pack - Wings of the Captain

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Loyauté : 53 Points

C$ 17.99

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Features Mainstay Pirates Zoro and Sanji, Along With Many Related Characters!
This pack centers around fan-favorites Zoro and Sanji!
It is highly synergistic with ST-12, while also offering several popular characters not found in ST-12!
A Mix of New and Old Themes, Including Germa 66 and Thriller Bark!
Introducing Sanji’s sister, Reiju from Germa 66, along with FILM-theme cards in new colors! Also features Moria, Perona, and other popular characters from throughout the series!
SP Cards Themed around Characters’ Daily Lives!
The SP cards in this pack feature designs that capture a snapshot of various characters’ daily lives! This is a rare theme for merchandise and is sure to attract collectors!

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