Snarlbosses are bold enough to have captured an Alpha Snarlfang as their mount. They lead the Gitmobs into battle with handpicked Wolfgit Retinues, who harry flanks with keenly aimed arrows.

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*Store credits will be emailed by April 5, 2024. The store credits obtained according to the egg number will be unveiled on April 02 on our Youtube page with a draw made on on March 27, 2024 at 09:33:11 Eastern time. The promotion is valid from March 29, 2024 at noon until April 1, 2024 at midnight. Eggs contain store credit percentages ranging from 5% to 100%. Sales with this promotion are final! If several eggs are in the same basket, the lowest percentage will be given. Pre-order products are not valid for this promotion, however special order products are valid. No other promotion can be combined with the egg promotion.
Loyalty : 135 Points
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CloseSnarlbosses are bold enough to have captured an Alpha Snarlfang as their mount. They lead the Gitmobs into battle with handpicked Wolfgit Retinues, who harry flanks with keenly aimed arrows.